/*! Bootstrap Editable - v1.1.4 * In-place editing with Bootstrap Form and Popover * https://github.com/vitalets/bootstrap-editable * Copyright (c) 2012 Vitaliy Potapov; Licensed MIT, GPL */ (function ($) { //Editable object var Editable = function (element, options) { var type, typeDefaults, doAutotext = false, valueSetByText = false; this.$element = $(element); //if exists 'placement' or 'title' options, copy them to data attributes to aplly for popover if (options && options.placement && !this.$element.data('placement')) { this.$element.attr('data-placement', options.placement); } if (options && options.title && !this.$element.data('original-title')) { this.$element.attr('data-original-title', options.title); } //detect type type = (this.$element.data().type || (options && options.type) || $.fn.editable.defaults.type); typeDefaults = ($.fn.editable.types[type]) ? $.fn.editable.types[type] : {}; //apply options this.settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.editable.defaults, $.fn.editable.types.defaults, typeDefaults, options, this.$element.data()); //apply type's specific init() this.settings.init.call(this, options); //store name this.name = this.settings.name || this.$element.attr('id'); if (!this.name) { $.error('You should define name (or id) for Editable element'); } //if validate is map take only needed function if (typeof this.settings.validate === 'object' && this.name in this.settings.validate) { this.settings.validate = this.settings.validate[this.name]; } //set value from settings or by element text if (this.settings.value === undefined || this.settings.value === null) { this.settings.setValueByText.call(this); valueSetByText = true; } else { this.value = this.settings.value; valueSetByText = false; } //also storing last saved value (initially equals to value) this.lastSavedValue = this.value; //set toggle element if (this.settings.toggle) { this.$toggle = $(this.settings.toggle); //insert in DOM if needed if (!this.$toggle.parent().length) { this.$element.after(this.$toggle); } //prevent tabstop on element this.$element.attr('tabindex', -1); } else { this.$toggle = this.$element; //add editable class this.$element.addClass('editable'); } //bind click event on toggle this.$toggle.on('click', $.proxy(this.click, this)); //blocking click event when going from inside popover. all other clicks will close it $('body').on('click.editable', '.editable-popover', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); //autotext if(!valueSetByText && this.value !== null && this.value !== undefined) { switch(this.settings.autotext) { case 'always': doAutotext = true; break; case 'never': doAutotext = false; break; case 'auto': if(this.$element.html().length) { doAutotext = false; } else { //for SELECT do not use autotext when source is url and autotext = 'auto' (to prevent extra request) if (type === 'select') { this.settings.source = tryParseJson(this.settings.source, true); if (this.settings.source && typeof this.settings.source === 'object') { doAutotext = true; } } else { doAutotext = true; } } break; } } function finalize() { //show emptytext if visible text is empty this.handleEmpty(); //trigger 'init' event: DEPRECATED this.$element.trigger('init', this); //trigger 'render' event with property isInit = true var event = jQuery.Event("render"); event.isInit = true; this.$element.trigger(event, this); } if(doAutotext) { $.when(this.settings.setTextByValue.call(this)).then($.proxy(finalize, this)); } else { finalize.call(this); } }; Editable.prototype = { constructor: Editable, click: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var popover = this.$element.data('popover'); if (popover && popover.tip().is(':visible')) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, show: function () { //hide all other popovers if shown $('.popover').find('form').find('button.editable-cancel').click(); //for the first time create popover if (!this.$element.data('popover')) { this.$element.popover({ trigger :'manual', placement:'top', content :this.settings.loading }); this.$element.data('popover').tip().addClass('editable-popover'); } //show popover this.$element.popover('show'); //movepopover to correct position. Refers to bug in bootstrap 2.1.x with popover positioning this.setPosition(); this.$element.addClass('editable-open'); this.errorOnRender = false; //use deffered approach to load data asynchroniously $.when(this.settings.renderInput.call(this)) .then($.proxy(function () { var $tip = this.$element.data('popover').tip(); //render content & input this.$content = $(this.settings.formTemplate); this.$content.find('div.control-group').prepend(this.$input); //invoke form into popover content $tip.find('.popover-content p').append(this.$content); //set position once more. It is required to pre-move popover when it is close to screen edge. this.setPosition(); //check for error during render input if (this.errorOnRender) { this.$input.attr('disabled', true); $tip.find('button.btn-primary').attr('disabled', true); $tip.find('form').submit(function () { return false; }); //show error this.enableContent(this.errorOnRender); } else { this.$input.removeAttr('disabled'); $tip.find('button.btn-primary').removeAttr('disabled'); //bind form submit $tip.find('form').submit($.proxy(this.submit, this)); //show input (and hide loading) this.enableContent(); //set input value this.settings.setInputValue.call(this); } //bind popover hide on button $tip.find('button.editable-cancel').click($.proxy(this.hide, this)); //bind popover hide on escape $(document).on('keyup.editable', $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.which === 27) { e.stopPropagation(); this.hide(); } }, this)); //hide popover on external click $(document).on('click.editable', $.proxy(this.hide, this)); //trigger 'shown' event this.$element.trigger('shown', this); }, this)); }, submit: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var error, value = this.settings.getInputValue.call(this); //validation if (error = this.validate(value)) { this.enableContent(error); return; } /*jslint eqeqeq: false*/ if (value == this.value) { /*jslint eqeqeq: true*/ //if value not changed --> do nothing, simply hide popover this.hide(); } else { //saving new value this.save(value); } }, save: function(value) { $.when(this.send(value)) .done($.proxy(function (data) { var error, isAjax = (typeof data !== 'undefined'); //check and run custom success handler if (isAjax && typeof this.settings.success === 'function' && (error = this.settings.success.apply(this, arguments))) { //show form with error message this.enableContent(error); return; } //set new value and text this.value = value; this.settings.setTextByValue.call(this); //to show that value modified but not saved if (isAjax) { this.markAsSaved(); } else { this.markAsUnsaved(); } this.handleEmpty(); this.hide(); //trigger 'update' event. DEPRECATED! Use 'render' instead. this.$element.trigger('update', this); //trigger 'render' event with property isInit = false var event = jQuery.Event("render"); event.isInit = false; this.$element.trigger(event, this); }, this)) .fail($.proxy(function(xhr) { var msg = (typeof this.settings.error === 'function') ? this.settings.error.apply(this, arguments) : null; this.enableContent(msg || xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText); }, this)); }, send: function(value) { var send, pk, params; //getting primary key if (typeof this.settings.pk === 'function') { pk = this.settings.pk.call(this.$element); } else if (typeof this.settings.pk === 'string' && $(this.settings.pk).length === 1 && $(this.settings.pk).parent().length) { //pk is ID of existing element pk = $(this.settings.pk).text(); } else { pk = this.settings.pk; } send = (this.settings.url !== undefined) && ((this.settings.send === 'always') || (this.settings.send === 'auto' && pk) || (this.settings.send === 'ifpk' /* deprecated */ && pk)); if (send) { //send to server //hide form, show loading this.enableLoading(); //try parse json in single quotes this.settings.params = tryParseJson(this.settings.params, true); //creating params params = (typeof this.settings.params === 'string') ? {params:this.settings.params} : $.extend({}, this.settings.params); params.name = this.name; params.value = value; if (pk) { params.pk = pk; } //send ajax to server and return deferred object return $.ajax({ url : (typeof this.settings.url === 'function') ? this.settings.url.call(this) : this.settings.url, data : params, type : 'post', dataType: 'json' }); } }, hide: function () { this.$element.popover('hide'); this.$element.removeClass('editable-open'); $(document).off('keyup.editable'); $(document).off('click.editable'); //returning focus on toggle element if (this.settings.enablefocus || this.$element.get(0) !== this.$toggle.get(0)) { this.$toggle.focus(); } //trigger 'hidden' event this.$element.trigger('hidden', this); }, /** * show input inside popover */ enableContent:function (error) { if (error !== undefined && error.length > 0) { this.$content.find('div.control-group').addClass('error').find('span.help-block').text(error); } else { this.$content.find('div.control-group').removeClass('error').find('span.help-block').text(''); } this.$content.show(); //hide loading this.$element.data('popover').tip().find('.editable-loading').hide(); //move popover to final correct position this.setPosition(); //TODO: find elegant way to exclude hardcode of types here if (this.settings.type === 'text' || this.settings.type === 'textarea') { this.$input.focus(); } }, /** * move popover to new position. This function mainly copied from bootstrap-popover. */ setPosition: function () { var p = this.$element.data('popover'), $tip = p.tip(), inside = false, placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight, tp; placement = typeof p.options.placement === 'function' ? p.options.placement.call(p, $tip[0], p.$element[0]) : p.options.placement; pos = p.getPosition(inside); actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth; actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight; switch (inside ? placement.split(' ')[1] : placement) { case 'bottom': tp = {top:pos.top + pos.height, left:pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}; break; case 'top': /* For Bootstrap 2.1.x: 10 pixels needed to correct popover position. See https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/4665 */ if($tip.find('.arrow').get(0).offsetHeight === 10) {actualHeight += 10;} tp = {top:pos.top - actualHeight, left:pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}; break; case 'left': /* For Bootstrap 2.1.x: 10 pixels needed to correct popover position. See https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/4665 */ if($tip.find('.arrow').get(0).offsetWidth === 10) {actualWidth += 10;} tp = {top:pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left:pos.left - actualWidth}; break; case 'right': tp = {top:pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left:pos.left + pos.width}; break; } $tip.css(tp).addClass(placement).addClass('in'); }, /** * show loader inside popover */ enableLoading:function () { //enlage loading to whole area of popover var $tip = this.$element.data('popover').$tip; $tip.find('.editable-loading').css({height:this.$content[0].offsetHeight, width:this.$content[0].offsetWidth}); this.$content.hide(); this.$element.data('popover').tip().find('.editable-loading').show(); }, handleEmpty:function () { //don't have editalbe class --> it's not link --> toggled by another element --> no need to set emptytext if (!this.$element.hasClass('editable')) { return; } if ($.trim(this.$element.text()) === '') { this.$element.addClass('editable-empty').text(this.settings.emptytext); } else { this.$element.removeClass('editable-empty'); } }, validate:function (value) { if (value === undefined) { value = this.value; } if (typeof this.settings.validate === 'function') { return this.settings.validate.call(this, value); } }, markAsUnsaved:function () { if (this.value !== this.lastSavedValue) { this.$element.addClass('editable-changed'); } else { this.$element.removeClass('editable-changed'); } }, markAsSaved:function () { this.lastSavedValue = this.value; this.$element.removeClass('editable-changed'); } }; /* EDITABLE PLUGIN DEFINITION * ======================= */ $.fn.editable = function (option) { //special methods returning non-jquery object var result = {}, args = arguments; switch (option) { case 'validate': this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('editable'), error; if (data && (error = data.validate())) { result[data.name] = error; } }); return result; case 'getValue': this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('editable'); if (data && data.value !== undefined && data.value !== null) { result[data.name] = data.value; } }); return result; case 'submit': //collects value, validate and submit to server for creating new record var config = arguments[1] || {}, $elems = this, errors = this.editable('validate'), values; if(typeof config.error !== 'function') { config.error = function() {}; } if($.isEmptyObject(errors)) { values = this.editable('getValue'); if(config.data) { $.extend(values, config.data); } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: config.url, data: values, dataType: 'json' }).success(function(response) { if(typeof response === 'object' && response.id) { $elems.editable('option', 'pk', response.id); $elems.editable('markAsSaved'); if(typeof config.success === 'function') { config.success.apply($elems, arguments); } } else { //server-side validation error config.error.apply($elems, arguments); } }).error(function(){ //ajax error config.error.apply($elems, arguments); }); } else { //client-side validation error config.error.call($elems, {errors: errors}); } return this; } //return jquery object return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('editable'), options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) { $this.data('editable', (data = new Editable(this, options))); } if(option === 'option') { if(args.length === 2 && typeof args[1] === 'object') { $.extend(data.settings, args[1]); //set options by object } else if(args.length === 3 && typeof args[1] === 'string') { data.settings[args[1]] = args[2]; //set one option } } else if (typeof option === 'string') { data[option](); } }); }; $.fn.editable.Constructor = Editable; //default settings $.fn.editable.defaults = { url:null, //url for submit type:'text', //input type name:null, //field name pk:null, //primary key or record value:null, //real value, not shown. Especially usefull for select emptytext:'Empty', //text shown on empty element params:null, //additional params to submit send:'auto', // strategy for sending data on server: 'always', 'never', 'auto' (default). 'auto' = 'ifpk' (deprecated) autotext:'auto', //can be auto|never|always. Useful for select element: if 'auto' -> element text will be automatically set by provided value and source (in case source is object so no extra request will be performed). enablefocus:false, //wether to return focus on link after popover is closed. It's more functional, but focused links may look not pretty formTemplate:'
' + '
' + '  ' + '' + '
' + '
', loading:'
', validate:function (value) { }, //client-side validation. If returns msg - data will not be sent success:function (data) { }, //after send callback error:function (xhr) { } //error wnen submitting data }; //input types $.fn.editable.types = { //for all types defaults:{ inputclass:'span2', placeholder:null, init:function (options) {}, // this function called every time popover shown. Should set value of this.$input renderInput:function () { this.$input = $(this.settings.template); this.$input.addClass(this.settings.inputclass); if (this.settings.placeholder) { this.$input.attr('placeholder', this.settings.placeholder); } }, setInputValue:function () { this.$input.val(this.value); this.$input.focus(); }, //getter for value from input getInputValue:function () { return this.$input.val(); }, //setting text of element (init) setTextByValue:function () { this.$element.text(this.value); }, //setting value by element text (init) setValueByText:function () { this.value = $.trim(this.$element.text()); } }, //text text:{ template:'', setInputValue:function () { this.$input.val(this.value); setCursorPosition.call(this.$input, this.$input.val().length); this.$input.focus(); } }, //select select:{ template:'', source:null, prepend:false, onSourceReady:function (success, error) { // try parse json in single quotes (for double quotes jquery does automatically) try { this.settings.source = tryParseJson(this.settings.source, false); } catch (e) { error.call(this); return; } if (typeof this.settings.source === 'string') { var cacheID = this.settings.source + '-' + this.name, cache; if (!$(document).data(cacheID)) { $(document).data(cacheID, {}); } cache = $(document).data(cacheID); //check for cached data if (cache.loading === false && cache.source && typeof cache.source === 'object') { //take source from cache this.settings.source = cache.source; success.call(this); return; } else if (cache.loading === true) { //cache is loading, put callback in stack to be called later cache.callbacks.push($.proxy(function () { this.settings.source = cache.source; success.call(this); }, this)); //also collecting error callbacks cache.err_callbacks.push($.proxy(error, this)); return; } else { //no cache yet, activate it cache.loading = true; cache.callbacks = []; cache.err_callbacks = []; } //options loading from server $.ajax({ url:this.settings.source, type:'get', data:{name:this.name}, dataType:'json', success:$.proxy(function (data) { this.settings.source = this.settings.doPrepend.call(this, data); cache.loading = false; cache.source = this.settings.source; success.call(this); $.each(cache.callbacks, function () { this.call(); }); //run callbacks for other fields }, this), error:$.proxy(function () { cache.loading = false; error.call(this); $.each(cache.err_callbacks, function () { this.call(); }); //run callbacks for other fields }, this) }); } else { //options as json/array //convert regular array to object if ($.isArray(this.settings.source)) { var arr = this.settings.source, obj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] !== undefined) { obj[i] = arr[i]; } } this.settings.source = obj; } this.settings.source = this.settings.doPrepend.call(this, this.settings.source); success.call(this); } }, doPrepend:function (data) { this.settings.prepend = tryParseJson(this.settings.prepend, true); if (typeof this.settings.prepend === 'string') { return $.extend({}, {'':this.settings.prepend}, data); } else if (typeof this.settings.prepend === 'object') { return $.extend({}, this.settings.prepend, data); } else { return data; } }, renderInput:function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(); this.$input = $(this.settings.template); this.$input.addClass(this.settings.inputclass); this.settings.onSourceReady.call(this, function () { if (typeof this.settings.source === 'object' && this.settings.source != null) { $.each(this.settings.source, $.proxy(function (key, value) { this.$input.append($('